Free Checklist for Pain-Free Product Development
Several months ago, I hosted several lively roundtable discussions, with beauty industry executives, on the topic of product development. Throughout the various sessions, the CEOs, marketers, product development managers and sales executives present all had one clear and consistent point to drive home- product development is painful! For many, the process (from start to finish) is wrought […]
Nike’s Self-Lacing Kicks, Up Your Sneaker Game
It’s time to scratch out that holiday wish list- Nike self lacing shoes are headed our way. In a few short months, Nike will introduce adaptive performance footwear to the masses with their HyperAdapt 1.0. Available in three colors, the shoe is as fashion forward as it is technologically advanced, and ready just in time for […]
Meet the Brandettes
Well, hello there- welcome to Brandettes! Won’t you come in? We’d love to show you around the place. Brandettes is a place where beauty and branding meet and mix it up. Created by Christina Marcaccini and Nikola Cline as a hub for featuring brands, products and places we love. Along the way, we want to […]