marketing agency

Crafting a Memorable Brand Experience

Brand Experience blog

In the bustling realm of consumer packaged goods (CPG), standing out is not just a desire—it’s a necessity. The market is teeming with options, and to make your brand shine, a clever and memorable brand experience is crucial. This involves more than just a flashy logo; it’s about creating a holistic encounter that resonates with […]

3 Favorite Brand Collaborations: October

matthew willaimson best brand collaborations

This month, were focusing on the best brand collaborations out currently, the ones that have us taking out our Amex with a resounding YES. Loyal Brandettes readers know we’re smitten with great brand collabs that elevate all involved through design, creativity and good ol’ fashioned brand power. We’re such strong believers, we even wrote our own guide […]

Find Brandettes Beyond the Blog

Brandettes NikolaCline feature

Collaborating with creative, like-minded individuals is an essential part of professional development. Personally, I thrive off of the energy, excitement and alternative point of view those connections, typically, bring. This fall, Brandettes is introducing a few incredible collaborations I’m pretty thrilled about, with organizations I have massive respect for. Where to Find Brandettes Beyond the Blog… Beauty […]

Trina Turk’s Finding Dory Collection

trinaturk feature

I’ve had a girl crush on Trina Turk for as long as I can remember. He sunny, peppy Palm Springs brand of stylish sass has attracted me for over a decade, particularly her prints. Turk’s bold prints are the perfect way to wear the weekend Monday through Friday or poolside, prime time. The Trina Turk […]

A Blogger’s Guide to Brand Partnerships

bloggers feature

It’s no secret that influencer marketing is an essential part of any brand’s marketing mix today. With over 150 million bloggers, vloggers and social media stars driving engaging content for mega brands and upstarts, the influence of social media on consumer products is massive. And with great exposure, comes great opportunity. As a marketing executive, I have […]

5 S’s of Influencer Marketing Success

FINALl Cotton Tee

Move over celebrities, there’s a new type of influencer in town. For those of you new to the game, Influencer Marketing is essentially a form of marketing that utilizes individuals with influence over your potential buyers. One of the main drivers of Influencer Marketing is the shift in consumer attention. With social media consuming over 2.5 […]

Inside the Splendid x DAMSEL Brand Partnership


There’s also a lot of noise today around Influencer Marketing and it’s easy to see why.  Bloggers and social media influencers have an extremely loyal audience, giving them the power to drive much higher engagement rates than traditional paid or owned media. We’ve seen collaborative hits and some misses, and then occasionally, all the elements […]